A sneek peek at a few things I have been working on.

Ok, so my creative juices have been flowing lately, not sure if it's the spring weather or what, but I am going to take my good ol'e dad's advice (and many others) and take my creative mind and put it to good use.

I decided to start making a series of Book of shadow pages. I am taking my existing botanical works, and my newest ones to the print shop. I have never done this before and am really excited about it. I'll be putting my botanical prints up in my etsy shop very soon as well as some of the newest. I have planned on a "Kitchen Witch Series" , Raven series, and many herbal botanical drawings in the works, especially for BOS pages.

Here's a sneek peek at an unfinished work of the Raven Series.

Please excuse the big red lettering watermark......


Sherry )O( AutumnTurtle said...

oh that is amazing! I love it!!

witchesbrew said...

thank you very much! Glad you like it!

Inis said...

Very Nice.. I wish I could draw, I love art so but I am doomed to stick people for the rest of my days... LOL
Witchy Hugz

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